Illing and chilling

Our life here lately could be characterized by one simple adjective–ill.  Illness has swept through our family for the past couple of weeks.  First our son fell ill with a stomach flu he probably picked up at his "school," a child care center co-located with my training facility.  He was sick for about a week and out of school for three days, and he’s still coughing a bit.  Next, he gave it to my wife, who has had a sore throat and nasal congestion for about four days.  I got sick yesterday, and I am home today.  Other than a sore throat and chest congestion, I feel fine.  However, my Spanish instructor was so concerned about possible contagions that I decided to stay home ("concerned" is a polite term).  I suppose that I am, but I’m in a state of limbo where I feel guilty staying home because I feel sick but I’m not too ill.  I don’t mind taking the day off–I don’t really appreciate her attitude and patronizing, drill-sargeant teaching style, so I’m more than happy to stay home today and self-study Spanish.  I will be more productive staying home instead hearing every five minutes not-so-subtly in a practice question that I need to go home.  I don’t need that.
It’s a shame that none of us are feeling well, because lately the weather has been better.  Today it’s cold and overcast, but the weather since last Saturday has been spectacular.  The forecast says that sunny weather will return on Sunday.  I hope we all feel better by then so we can enjoy it.  Sunny weather has a habit of mocking you when you feel miserable, taunting you by daring you to enjoy it, which then makes you feel even worse.
When we lived in Korea, we hardly experienced illness.  Back in the states, however, we seem to be getting sick quite often.  I’ve heard that that is common.  When you mingle with other former expats who just returned from exotic locations worldwide, you find yourself prone to succumbing to whatever nasties they brought home from overseas.  I would venture to guess that we will feel healthier in Paraguay, because we won’t be exposed to so many new contagions.  The same was true in Korea.  Many people who live here in the Washington, D.C. seem to face a higher risk of illness.  After all, people live here from all over the world.  It is perhaps the most diverse city in America, and with it comes most of the pathogens one can contract overseas.  In this respect, I can’t wait to get back overseas.  We often say that being in Washington is more of a hardship than being overseas.  In terms of illness, so far that has been true.

A roller-coaster week

It has been a tumultuous week for me and my family.  We buried my father’s ashes on Saturday at a graveside cemetary.  We survived two snowstorms and successfully navigated volatile roads in Montana.  We took an unplanned detour to my sister’s home in Montana and spent a couple days with them.  The stock market crashed yesterday.  A big snowstorm blew through the area today, dumping a bunch of snow on us.  It’s definitely been a tumultuous week for us, but fortunately, we arrived back in Idaho safely.  We return to the Washington, D.C. area on Saturday. 

Tortured by Barney

Dear Reader, I don’t have much time to write today, because we’re getting ready to leave Hawai’i tomorrow.  Consequently, I thought I would share a random, drive-by thought with you.  Could you imagine being incessantly subjected to the voice of Barney, 24/7?  All hours of the day, non-stop?  I was sitting with my son this morning watching children’s television.  We initially watched "Barney & Friends" featuring Barney the Dinosaur.  In my humble opinion, Barney’s voice has to be one of the most annoying voices of all time, ranking right up there with Jar Jar Binks of Star Wars fame.  What do children see or hear in this purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur that they enjoy so much?  I would rather be subjected to The Wiggles for an entire week than Barney for five minutes.  I even read that Barney’s voice has been used as a method of torture "lite" (whatever that means) in Guantanamo Bay’s prisons.  Enough said.
I couldn’t help but wonder who does the voiceover for Barney, so I did a little investigating via Wikipedia.  According to Wikipedia, Bob West provided the voice of Barney until 2002, when he was replaced by Dean Wendt.  I wondered, how can these guys live with themselves?  How do the ones they love put up with hearing their voices when they sound so much like Barney the Dinosaur?  While I realize that these actors do voiceovers of Barney and contort their voices to become the verbal manifestation of that annoying pain in the Jurassic, I can’t help but think that their real voices must not be much different from Barney’s (like Pee Wee Herman, aka Paul Reubens).  Do they realize how much how much pain their voices elicit in the name of entertaining children?  It’s a Faustian bargain, I tell you.