The More Things Change…

…the more they stay the same.  So Windows Spaces Live became WordPress, and Windows Live updated its Writer blog writing program to look more like Microsoft Word (which begs the question, why not incorporate it into Word?).  The format is completely different, though.  Draft blog entries and entries that have already been posted no longer appear, making me wonder where they went.  Why is it that all tech companies have this annoying habit of completely reinventing everything with new iterations of the software program or web site?  They assume that users will be happy with the changes or will soon learn how to use the newer version.  Yet history is littered with product experiments that failed miserably.  New Coke, anyone?

Baptism on a Perfect Day

IMG_0440I baptized our son yesterday.  We could not have chosen a better day for this momentous occasion, for 10/10/10 (October 10, 2010) will never happen again this millennium.  Surely this was the event of a lifetime, especially for my son, for our family, and for God.  Baptizing my son by water was one of the biggest thrills of my life.  A missionary friend blessed and ordained him; I asked my son to give his testimony and helped affirmed that he was ready to take this important spiritual step.  He did splendidly.

It reminds me of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist almost 2,000 years ago in the Jordan River.  Matthew 3:13-17 says:  “13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented. 16 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

I’m proud of my own son for taking this important step in his walk with God.  He is a young soul, but his heart is true, and he knows the truth.  A couple of years ago he asked to be baptized, but we asked him to wait until he truly knew what it meant to be baptized.  I did not get baptized until much later in life; I am very happy he’s taken this big step while he’s young.  I looking forward to helping him grow in his faith as he develops into a man of faith.

In this day and age where relativism reigns and diversity is sacrosanct, it should be understood that baptism is not something that needs to be hidden away from view or done discreetly because someone might happen to offend someone. It’s a story begging to be told.  Much as all sorts of religions are tolerated for their own outward expressions of belief, so also should this type of visual proclamation of faith be respected.  It’s not something that needs to be hidden under a bush or salted away.

Trees in Bloom

Zambia is beautiful this time of year.  The jacarandas and other flowering trees have started to bloom in vivid colors around the country.  Most of their flowers are a soft lavender, while a few are brilliant red or yellow.  The latter spring from other species of tree.

The jacarandas are similar to the ones we saw when we lived in Paraguay.  Known as lapachos in Spanish, the jacarandas in South Africa bloom with lavender, orange, and yellow flowers.  Their flowers’ lifespan is mere weeks, after which the petals fall and blanket the ground like a royal carpet.  Even one who is not fond of flowers can’t help but admire its beauty.

The flowering trees bloom at the end of the dry season when the weather heats up just before the monsoon-like rains set in as if God were commanding the trees to bear fruit before the rains wash it all away.  Once pollinated, the flowers produce seeds that fall to the ground and wait for water from the rains to spark new life.  Whatever the biological reasons behind this phenomenon, the cacophony of colors that spring forth from the trees is a wonder to behold.

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