Winter Olympics in PyeongChang?

This announcement is a couple days old but still noteworthy.  PyeongChang, Korea in Gangwon Province is the first contender to submit its bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympics.  It narrowly lost out to Vancouver, British Columbia in its bid to host the 2010 Olympics, and now it is the front runner to host the 2014 Winter Games.  In fact, Korea’s entry in the Olympics sweepstakes received the most International Olympic Committee votes during the first round of voting to host the 2010 Winter Olympics host city.  However, it lost to Vancouver in subsequent rounds.  For the 2014 games, PyeongChang’s biggest rival will be Salzburg, Austria.  Salzburg is also a serious contender, but considering that Turin, Italy will host the 2006 Winter Games, I consider PyeongChang to be the front-runner.  Salzburg may be better for skiing and downhill events, but I think that PyeongChang is better prepared to handle the myriad other winter sports showcased during the games.  South Korea has not hosted the Olympics since 1988, the year when Korea really came into its own as a nation.  In 2002, Korea co-hosted the World Cup with Japan and did a phenomenal job.  The World Cup happened 14 years after the Seoul Summer Olympics, and now it seems very likely that Korea will again have a chance to showcase itself in 2014.  PyeongChang is a county, not a city, and the PyeongChang Olympics sites will be spread throughout the county.  Pyongyong Ski Resort, highlighted in the Korean drama, "Winter Sonata," will be a major attraction during the PyeongChang Olympics.  The host city for the 2014 Winter Games will not be selected for a couple more years, but with my intuitive crystal ball I surmise that the Winter Olympics are in PyeongChang’s future.  If not in 2014, most definitely in 2018.
PyeongChang is a couple hours east of Seoul.  We have yet to visit it, but our brief trip to Chuncheon, also in Gangwon Province, gave us a good glimpse into PyeongChang’s potential as an Olympics venue.  Gangwon Province is very beautiful.  The mountains are neither particularly rugged nor blessed with large, old growth conifer forests, but they are beautiful nonetheless.  They define Korea well–crowded, compact, standing tall, yet ever intriguing.  As you drive through the Korean countryside, you often drive through tunnels that cut across two or three mountain ridges within a matter of minutes.  In fact, the scenery in some places is reminiscent of Alpine foothills and valleys.  Korea has neither a Matterhorn nor a Mount Fuji, but its mountains still have a quaint mystique similar to the European countryside.  During the summer, the vegetation is lush and green.  I do not know what the mountains in Gangwon Province look like during winter, but I imagine that they are gorgeous when snowcapped.  We are hoping to visit Gangwon Province again soon, and when we do, we’ll likely visit PyeongChang before it becomes "PyeongChang, Home of the 2014 Winter Olympics."

Revisiting old blog themes

This is a blog entry I’ve wanted to write for awhile–revisiting some of the old blog themes I’ve discussed in previous posts.  Sometimes I blog about something and leave it open-ended.  If you read those entries, you might wonder, "…I wonder whatever happened with that…"  Let me surf some of my own entries and give you some updates.
On July 26, I wrote about cicadas.  I still have not seen a single living cicada, but they’re still annoyingly loud, and they appear to have rabid appetites.  Some of the trees in our yard have lost a lot of leaves, and the leaves are turning prematurely yellow.  Our poor trees.  They’re infest with cicadas and have leftover shells dotting their bark like boils.  They’re not exactly pleasant little critters.
On July 25, I wrote that I finally secured a vendor for our cafeteria at work.  As of today, there’s not much new to report.  It may still take us awhile to actually open the cafeteria.  It seems that the deadline will be closer to September 1.  My investment plan for our community association will probably not be completed until September.
On July 11, I wrote about the "Monsoon Swoon" here in Korea.  Well, the monsoon season continues.  It really isn’t as bad as it seems.  It can be hot, humid, torrential, and just plain icky at times, but I think it is milder in Seoul than in other parts of Asia.  Let’s face it–Asian weather just can’t beat the weather on the West Coast of the United States.  Whether it be Mediterranean-style weather in California or the cool and wet temperate Pacific Northwest climate, you just can’t beat the West Coast.  I do miss the weather in Seattle.  I will take 100+ days of misty rain over a summer of hot and humid weather with frequent rain storms any day.  My son is still learning to swim.  We went to the pool again on Sunday.  He now kicks his feet and is starting to use his hands.  He is fairly fearless in the water.  I even get a chance to catch a few laps at the pool too.
On July 10, I whined about the fact that no one seemed to call us from the United States.  Since then, they have been very good about calling, and we’ve been delinquent.  No one mentioned that blog entry when they called, but maybe they got the hint.  Now I have to do a better job of calling home.
On June 23 and June 30, I mentioned the possibility of going to Papua New Guinea on assignment for a few months.  Since hearing the announcement, nary a word has been said about PNG.  The thought of going still haunts, but it seems less likely by the day.
On June 26, I wrote about the importance of good data entry.  Happily, the story had a happy ending.  The data did not help them, but the person was able to solve their problem.  Case closed.
On June 23, I talked about career possibilities and bidding on my next assignment.  The list of assignments has now been published, and I’m happy to report that there are quite a few good jobs in China I can bid for early.  I am supposed to bid early next year, but I can bid on assignments early because of my Chinese language ability.  I will bid on assignments in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Chengdu, and Hong Kong and hope one of them is accepted.  Fortunately, because I am bidding early, I also have the option of turning down the job if I don’t want to take it.  I will bid in a couple of weeks.
On June 19, I wrote about spirituality and affluence.  Here’s one more thought to add on the subject.  You can’t take it with you, but you can give it to your children.  The cycle of wealth and poverty can be passed on from generation to generation because of the belief that affluence is a noble or ignoble pursuit.
On May 28, I published a list of top ten things to do while in Korea.  My list still has not changed, although I would have to say that visiting the Korean Folk Village in Giheung (July 16 and July 18) is also a must-see.  If my top ten list had an eleventh entry, the Korean Folk Village would be it.
On May 27, I wrote about the English class I started at work.  Well, it’s still happening, and three other people are teaching it, but attendance has dwindled.  We are all just too busy at work nowadays.  I am supposed to attend Korean class in the morning three days a week, but I just can’t seem to get myself in to work early enough to do it.
On May 12, I gushed about how much I missed mowing the lawn.  Well, that honeymoon was short-lived.  I enjoyed doing it in Seattle; Seoul is a different story.  It’s become a chore again.  But I just can’t bring myself to hire someone to mow for us.
On May 11, I talked about our future travel plans.  We tentatively decided tonight to go to Korea’s Jeju Island during Labor Day weekend.  I don’t think I’ll go to Jeju Island on business, and we only plan to take a four-day weekend trip.  We thought about going to Thailand, but we decided to make the most of our trip to Korea first.  It is a bit disheartening when all my coworkers go on long vacations during the summer, while I have to stay and work because there aren’t enough people at the office to cover all the work.  Lately I’ve joked to coworkers, "Vacation?  What is this thing called ‘vacation’?"
On April 27, I ranted against the corporate ladder.  While I still do not like dog-eat-dog hypercompetitivity in the workplace, and I’m not a big fan of "sucking up," things turned out just fine for me.  The lucky break I got moving into my current job has been a career boon for me.  It really is true that in this line of work sometimes the ball bounces your way; sometimes it bounces away from you. 
On April 26, I talked about wearing my "Mickey Mouse" tie, and no one noticed.  I never wore it again.  Lately I’ve been away from the office doing external work, so it probably is not a good idea to wear a comical tie.
On March 31, I reported that I was planning to learn German.  I’m sad to report that I have made very little progress on my German, and my Korean fades further by the day.  It is just really hard to study languages when you have very little time.  Language learning takes time, something it seems I have very little of these days.
On March 24, I wrote about my son’s love of the "Thomas the Tank Engine" series.  Over four months later, that love has not abated.  He is now more interested in other toddler series such as "Veggie Tales" and "Bob the Builder," but his love of trains is still going strong.  The only thing that changes is which character is his favorite.  In just a few days, more "Thomas" toys will arrive for him.  His mom keeps him well stocked.
It was fun for me to read over some old blog entries.  I hope it was enjoyable for you too.

Children's Grand Park

I missed out on my usual blog session yesterday, so I thought I would be prolific and write two blog entries today.  This morning my family and I went to Children’s Grand Park in East Seoul.  It has just about everything a child could want–a huge playground, botanical garden, a small zoo, a camel ride, an elephant theme show, and a water park where children can play in an artificial stream.  I have to admit, it’s pretty cool.  It only cost 900 won (90 cents) per adult, and young children are admitted free of charge (parking is a bit pricey).  You can’t beat that price.  We still spent 14,000 won for lunch and a few thousand more for some drinks and snacks, but all in all it’s a cheap date.  The elephant theme show costs 6,000 won (about $6.00) per person.  We decided to pass on the show.
My son had a great time at Children’s Grand Park.  He played for about an hour on the playground, sliding down slides, playing on the teeter-totter and on all sorts of kiddie rides.  He had the most fun at the water park .  If you come to the Children’s Grand Park, be sure to bring a swimsuit and towel for each child.  We didn’t and had to improvise.  Our son waded into the water in his daiper.  By the time he was finished, it weighed about a pound after soaking up water!  He had a great time playing in the water, climbing on the rocks, sitting in the boat, and climbing the small step waterfall.  After he finished, daddy lent his shirt to dry him off.  I’m sure I elicited some stares from onlookers as I took off my shirt to use as a makeshirt towel.  After all, everyone around us was Korean.  It reminds me of a time in 1994 when I visited rural China.  A freakish rainstorm drenched me as I walked in the countryside.  I sought refuge in a kind peasant woman’s house.  Not thinking, I took off my shirt to wring it dry on her dirt floor.  I’m sure I broke just about every rule of etiquette doing that!  I’ve wizened up a bit since then (I hope).  I’m sure she didn’t know what to make of this person who was probably the first Caucasian she had ever seen in her life. 
After we left the water park, we visited the park zoo.  My son was especially enthralled with the monkeys and the lions.  He loves the animated features "The Lion King" and "Madgascar," whose main characters are lions.  I pointed out "Simba" and "Alex," his favorites.  For the first time, he encountered many of the animals he read about in books and played with as toys, including an elephant, zebras, ostriches, tigers, kangaroos, and yaks.  I wonder whether these animals lived up to his expectations, because live animals are really never as cute and cuddly as their stuffed or drawn counterparts.  Next to the elephant pen, we saw a film crew filming the park.  I’m not sure why they were filming; perhaps they were filming a scene for a Korean drama.  Perhaps my family inadvertantly became extras in the film.
The park is very much a family-oriented park.  I saw some childless couples but nary a single person.  The majority of the park visitors clustered in families.  I saw some families visit without the fathers, many of whom have to work on Saturdays.  It’s interesting that Korea is a very family-friendly country, yet at the same time it has the lowest fertility rate of any OECD country (just 1.19 children per woman in 2004–the OECD represents the world’s top 30 economies).  Korea is going through a so-called "kid crisis" where the population is increasingly aging (7.2% of the population was aged 65 or over), and fewer and fewer couples are having children.  The park today was filled with families.  I saw more families here than I’ve seen elsewhere in Seoul.  Central Seoul is very much dominated by singles and couples.  I see very few children in Seoul beyond the school girls and boys who use mass transit to travel to and from school.
Thought of the day:  I thought it very odd that Children’s Grand Park would feature a plastination exhibit.  A macabre art form developed by Gunter von Hagen in Munich, Germany, plastination is very creepy to those who are squeamish about death and an affront to those who believe in the sanctity of the body after death.  Plastination is a process by which those who donate their cadavers are embalmed with plastic rather than formaldehyde and then carved into artistic art forms.  The plastination exhibit at Children’s Grand Park was well advertised throughout the park with vivid images of corpses that underwent plastination, including fetuses and deformed children.  I kid you not (no pun intended).  When I was in Munich in 2003, I thought about visiting BodyWorlds, home of the plastination phenomenon.  However, my American traveling companions thought I was crazy.  Plastination grossed them out.  I caved in to peer pressure and did not visit BodyWorlds while in Munich.  I personally find plastination intriguing.  I am amazed by the fantastic creations that result from plastination, and I’ve pondered what would prompt someone to donate their body to be plastinized and put on display.  Instead of being buried, one’s body ends up in an artistic exhibit for all the world to see.  Not surprisingly, plastination conjures all sorts of moral and ethical issues.  I am an American who finds plastination fascinating, yet I still think it is in very poor taste having a plastination exhibit on display at a children’s park.  This is especially true with regard to the photos of the fetuses I saw.  I wondered whether Koreans have objected to this exhibit.  Considering that Korea may be the first nation to clone a human being, I would not be surprised if Koreans generally do not object to plastination exhibits at a children’s park.  The COEX Mall also has a plastination exhibit, indicating that Koreans find this odd mummification process very fascinating.  I’m certain many Americans would be appalled.