Alive in Asuncion

We made it safely to Asuncion, Paraguay last Tuesday.  Our initial impression is a positive one, although Paraguay is obviously different than the United States and will require some acclimation.  I have been offline for the past few days and have intermittent Internet access since I arrived.  I may not have access at home for about a week.  As it is, the Internet here is relatively slow with top speeds of 256-512 kbps (no, not megabytes, kilobytes).  I wanted to post a short entry to let you know that we’re alive and doing OK here in Paraguay.  I will try to write again soon.

The day before

We leave for Paraguay tomorrow evening.  We’re all back together, my wife and son having returned recently from a family visit in China.  Our airline tickets and visas are in hand, and our packout is finished.  Addresses have been changed, training done, pre-move logistics done.  The few remaining personal items left in our apartment are migrating their way to our suitcases.  We depart for Paraguay tomorrow night.  This day feels like calm before the storm.  Although Paraguay has been described as "boring, quiet, and peaceful" by those who have been there, we will still be busy reassembling our life once we arrive.  That, and I will start working full time once again.  The past four months of training have been more relaxing than stressful.  It may not be the case once I arrive in Paraguay, despite the country’s mellow, laissez-faire reputation.  We’ll see. 
It may be a few days before I am able to post another blog entry.  Once I do, I’ll give you my preliminary thoughts on this place that I barely gave thought to over a year ago but is now, for better and for worse, the center of my life for the next two years.  Until then, hasta pronto.
Blog Note:  I improved my German language score on Friday.  My French and German are now officially at the level 1+ out of five in speaking and level 2 in reading.  These scores will enable me to bid on jobs in French- and German-speaking countries and qualify for short (two-to-three month) language courses to boost my proficiency.  In hindsight, I would have preferred to receive these scores before I bid on assignments last year.  I could have very likely been heading to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland right now instead of Paraguay.  While I’m looking forward to serving in Paraguay, I definitely would not have turned down the opportunity to serve in Europe!