It’s about time I posted an entry

Well, Dear Reader, what could I ever write to explain what’s happened down here in Paraguay over the past five months?  I wish I could write many happy adjectives like "nice, fun, and adventurous," but no, life here has not been all that.  I have pretty much been down and out since I arrived here and haven’t been in much of a mood to correspond; hence, I haven’t posted any new entries on my blog since November.  As they say, if you cannot say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
Much has happened over the past few months, both good and bad.  I have turned a corner and will try to focus on the positive.  I am hoping that this will not be yet another failed attempt to start writing again.  I would prefer that I take the time to break from that which does not matter so much in the long run and focus more on what will give me peace of mind.  Writing is like that.  Writing can be cathartic.  Writing is a way to disgorge what is rattling upstairs in your brain and dispensing it to whomever takes the time and has the interest to read it.
As a peace offering to help make up for my long absence, I’ll refer you to something I wrote over several months earlier this year.  It’s an article in State Magazine’s May edition featuring Asuncion, Paraguay.  My personal sentiments of this place do not match the tenor of the article, but you can read it for yourself.  If it inspires you to try and work or visit here, by all means seek my counsel first.  I will give you my unvarnished opinion of life on the Island Surrounded by Dirt.

Google in Guarani

Dear Reader, I’m still alive.  It’s not much, but I have to post at least something this month before it’s over.  As always, I will try to post more often.  OK, so here it is:
Google just launched its Guarani language web page.  It’s pretty cool and an easy way to pick up some Guarani, one of Paraguay’s two official languages.
I’ve learned some Guarani, but not enough to carry on a full conversation.  The most I can say is:
M’ba eixapa nde asaje
Xe xe Miguel
Iporante hande?
Aewa heke
Aewa pyge
Jajue chapevay
I just had a dialog with myself, saying hello, introducing myself and inviting myself in and to have a seat.  Absolutely practical stuff, eh?  ha ha  Actually, it brings laughs and giggles from the Paraguayans, who are always ecstatic when the foreigners attempt to speak any Guarani at all.
Note to Tortmaster:  How have you been?  Yes, it’s been that busy.  I like to joke that I work in the most stressed out place in Paraguay (except perhaps President Duarte’s residence).  Lately I haven’t had time for much of anything.  I spent 12 hours in the office on Sunday finishing up a report.  We literally downsized from a six-person to a three-person shop, and our workload has been going up.  The other day we were told that we do an amazing amount of work despite our small size.  That is true.  I can’t vouch for the quality, but we certainly crank it out in quantity.

Back in Paraguay

Well, so much for writing from the United States!  I just returned to Paraguay today.  I’m determined not to let any more time pass before I write again.  If I do, this blog would be well on its way to a slow death on the ash heap of blogging history.  During my visit to the U.S., where I visited family, I spent little time on the computer, and when I did, I just wasn’t inspired to write anything (I haven’t been inspired for awhile).  Perhaps I’ve lost some desire to write, or maybe I’ve developed writer’s block.  During the past two weeks, I spent more time with my family and actually read a book for the first time since last June.  I picked an easy read — "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."  I read the first book in the Harry Potter series a couple years ago but had not got around to reading the second one.  I think I was waiting for J.K. Rowling to publish her final installment, "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows," so I wouldn’t be in suspense waiting to read the end of the story.  I bought the third book, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and am almost finished with that as well.  As you may know, I’ve always been a fantasy buff, and I’ve been curious as to why J.K. Rowling is the first billion-dollar author in history (unless you measure the Apostle Paul in terms of tithing).  The books are entertaining.
I’ve felt so rushed since we arrived in Paraguay.  Although the pace of life is slow here, the job is not and has kept me devilishly busy.  Plus, our family has gone through some transitions, including the fact that my wife accepted a full-time job and is now in training in Washington, D.C. for three months.  She will be there with my son and her parents until mid-December.  That — and my job — have taken so much time that it’s taken until now just to update you on that!  We’re all doing fine; just a bit distracted, I supposed.
I’m determined not to let another week or two pass by without updating World Adventurers.  I struck upon a great idea for a series of books, but I will hold it in my mind and focus a bit more on the daily update.