I Received the One Lovely Blog Award

one-lovely-blog-awardThe One Lovely Blog Award. What, another award for World Adventurers? I can’t believe it! Not one, but two writer/bloggers I admire nominated this blog for the OLB Award. Thank you very much! Words cannot express how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I’ll try.


A big THANK YOU goes to my colleague and lovely friend Lada Ray, who is one of my favorite bloggers and writers. After she received this prodigious honor, she nominated me for it in early June on the heels of receiving the Versatile Blogger Award (VBA) from me. While I can neither confirm nor deny it, this award may have had something to do with the fact that I adore her thriller Gold Train and amazing heroine, Jade Snow.

Another hearty THANK YOU goes to my enigmatic and witty friend R.M. Wilburn, who received the splendiferous OLB Award and then nominated me for one in mid-June. Whether it has anything to do with the fact that I nominated her for a VBA or think her book Magpie & Dilly is the best novel with that title in recorded history, I can’t be sure. Thank you, R.M. I’m convinced that your initials stand for Really Magnificent.

Whatever the reason, I thank you, Lada and R.M. I really appreciate this honor and am proud to call you colleagues and friends.


As I am wont to do, I did some research into the history of the One Lovely Blog Award. I gave up after an exhaustive Google search turned up nothing. As with the VBA, details about the OLB Award are rather sketchy and only its creator knows for sure. I did, however, find some lovely award badges online. I’m partial to the one with the heart because it reminds me of those “I HEART ___” souvenir T-shirts.



To receive this award, the blogger must share the following with their readers:

  1. Thank the person who honored them with this award and post their links;
  2. Nominate 15 other blogs for this honor; and
  3. Tell readers seven things about themselves.


Here are my nominations for the One Lovely Blog Award, 15 quality blogs that I enjoy (in alphanumeric order). Many but not all are related to travel with some excellent commentary and travel photos.

  1. 3rd Culture Children – A Globe Trotting Family of 5 in the Foreign Service (3rdculturechildren.com)
  2. Letizia Argiolu (dutchgoesitalian.com)
  3. Double Barrelled Travel (double-barrelledtravel.com)
  4. Misti Debonno (mistidebonno.wordpress.com)
  5. Rebecca Humphries (beesbestlife.blogspot.com)
  6. Dmitrii Lezine – Travel Photography (sillymonkeyphoto.com)
  7. Ella Medler (ellamedler.wordpress.com)
  8. Mark Nguyen – Mark39dotcom – 101 Postcards to Myself (mark39.com)
  9. Our Boler – Enjoying the Outdoors as a Family (http://www.ourboler.com/)
  10. Alex Rambler (ramblertravel.com)
  11. ReadyClickAndGo (readyclickandgo.wordpress.com)
  12. Ruth – Bluebalu in Hong Kong (bluebalu.wordpress.com)
  13. Ana Silva – 1,001 Scribbles (1001scribbles.wordpress.com)
  14. Sophie – Interior Design & Trends (interiorstockholm.wordpress.com)
  15. Jason Sullivan – Different Outcomes (differentoutcomes.wordpress.com)


Not one to follow the crowd, I’m going to turn this around and ask you, dear reader, what would you like to know about me. I’ll answer the first seven questions I receive as best I can. Okay, let me have it. Let’s see if I made the right choice!


Thanks again, Lada and R.M. You’re the best!

thank you


buythumbM.G. Edwards is a writer of books and stories in the mystery, thriller and science fiction-fantasy genres. He also writes travel adventures. He is author of Kilimanjaro: One Man’s Quest to Go Over the Hill, a non-fiction account of his attempt to summit Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain and a collection of short stories called Real Dreams: Thirty Years of Short Stories. His books are available as an e-book and in print on Amazon.com and other booksellers. He lives in Bangkok, Thailand with his wife Jing and son Alex.

For more books or stories by M.G. Edwards, visit his web site at www.mgedwards.com or his blog, World Adventurers. Contact him at me@mgedwards.com, on Facebook, on Google+, or @m_g_edwards on Twitter.

© 2012 Brilliance Press. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted without the written consent of the author.

  1. ellamedler

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Wow, this is great news. Michael, you put a smile on my face today. Now – the questions… *strokes chin menacingly*
    Ok: 1. lark or owl; 2. pet hate; 3. best thing in life is; 4. the habit you picked up from one of the foreign places you visited, the one that keeps surfacing when you least expect it; 5. Best breakfast you ever had; 6. the most embarrassing thing your kids did in public (that made you say ‘they’re not mine’); 7. could you live without chocolate?
    When do we get the answers? : )

  2. 1EarthUnited

    Reblogged this on 1earthnow and commented:
    Congrats to Mr Edwards, a blogger who really deserves credit for selfless contributions to the writing community!
    Have a wonderful Independence Day everyone!!

  3. mgedwards

    Answers to seven thought-provoking questions asked by the illustrious Ms. Ella Medler:

    1. Q. Lark or owl?

    A. Birds.

    2. Q. Pet hate?

    A. Pets don’t hate, do they?

    3. Q. Best thing in life is…?

    A. Free.

    4. Q. The habit you picked up from one of the foreign places you visited, the one that keeps surfacing when you least expect it.

    A. You haven’t been in my closet, have you? I know I shouldn’t have taken the habit from that convent in Poland, but I couldn’t help myself. I thought I might need to put it on for a production of “Nunsense.”

    5. Q. Best breakfast you ever had.

    A. One time when I was driving too fast, I had to stop suddenly and barely missed hitting another car. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and I got away without a scratch. Thanks to my quick response, I caught a break. 🙂

    6. Q. The most embarrassing thing your kids did in public (that made you say ‘they’re not mine’).

    A. Well, they ate all the grass in the neighbor’s yard. I eventually had to give them away to a goat herder you could handle them. I sure miss the goat cheese.

    7. Q. Could you live without chocolate?

    A. Yes, but I would make sure I had visitation rights.

    • mgedwards

      Thank you, Alex. Well deserved. I really like the theme you used and how it highlights one photo on the main page. Look great. Enjoy my book…hope you like it!

  4. Lada Ray

    A big ha, ha for your original answers, Mike. Love the habit from a Polish convent bit. Do tell what where you doing there? Spying, no doubt 😉 I know it’s an extra question, but I had to ask – what do you want from a spy thriller author! Just couldn’t help myself…
    Also, I decided to really put you on the line (sorry, but you opened it up yourself 😉
    Favorite city and favorite country you’ve been to and why?

    • mgedwards

      Thanks, I’m glad you liked my responses. I’ve gotten into the habit of tongue-in-cheek answers. 😉 Oh no, I was just a poor starving student when I stayed one night in a youth hostel inside a convent in Krakow, Poland. Cheapest place I ever stayed — $3 a day! You can’t beat that. The only spying I did was an intense search for American fast food (none, zilch). Favorite city and country? Hmm, that’s a tough one. Is “all of the above” acceptable?

    • ellamedler

      Not the cheapest by a long way. Try this: buy a Eurorail ticket and travel by train from city to city. Sleep on the train for free. See a different city every day. I did that one summer holiday when I was in uni – cost me £1000 for two months (food and transport all in) 😀 Mind you, that may have been a year or two back…

      • mgedwards

        I did that too! Did an overnight every other night from city to city on an Interrail pass, taking every other night to spend the night in a cheap hostel and tour the city the following day. Yeah, that was a long time ago. I venture a lot of us were backpackers at one time or another. Want to do it again? 🙂

  5. Lada Ray

    I am dreaming of those backpacking – just get up and go – days, Mike! At some point, I’ll share my Eastern/Central Europe adventures as a teen. Those were the last days of the Iron Curtain… As a matter of fact, Part 1 (The Case of Mistaken Identity: Soviet Cars and My Infamy) is actually coming next week. Don’t miss it!
    I wanted to post that one for ages – it’s pretty hilarious.

  6. Jason

    Thank you, Mike. You really do have a nice blog and I definitely want to read your book ‘Kilimanjaro’. It sounds absolutely fascinating. Thank you for thinking of my blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. Very nice of you!

    • mgedwards

      Hi Jason, thanks, I appreciate it! We haven’t been in touch much, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your work with Lada Ray, a good friend of mine. Your book “The Dark Yergall” looks like a great read, and if I can clear my book backlog, I’d like to read it. Please keep in touch! I’m happy to help fellow writers.

  7. One Lovely Blog – Never too late to say Thanks | Judythe Morgan

    […] did find lots of links to other bloggers who have earned the award and  choices for award badges here. The rules for accepting the award were easily located and involved nominations, thanks, and […]

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