Happy Birthday, World Adventurers!

One year ago, World Adventurers began as a way for me to keep track of our family’s adventures.  I posted my first entry on December 3.  However, since Korea is 14 hours of the U.S. East Coast, World Adventurers began on December 4, Korea time.  52,000 hits later, it’s been quite a ride.  It might not be as popular as Jason Mulgrew’s blog, but it holds its own (then again, I’m not an oddball, eligible bachelor posting my entire private life on the Internet, trying to refute claims that I’m actually gay–thanks Monique for pointing out his wacky blog).  In the past year, this blog has been featured in Slate Magazine (August 3) and on MSN Spaces’ “Best of MSN Spaces” (September 19).  My analysis of the red-hot Baidu.com IPO (July 30) also got some traction, and World Adventurers recently got a nice plug from “The Marmot’s Hole,” the most popular Korea blog.
Thank you to everyone who’s surfed by World Adventurers over the past year.  Thanks too for all the great comments I’ve received from you (sans the one or two spammers and flamers).  I especially want to thank the following people for keeping in frequent touch:
  • Wade3016:  Cuz’, I haven’t seen you post any comments lately, but you are always good for a good antidote to my occasional claptrap.  Thanks for helping me see the error in my ways as I foolishly perpetuate the Google bandwagon.
  • Angeline:  Thanks for being so sweet and letting your light shine.  Thank you for your great comments and letting me know that someone is reading.
  • Insadong KR:  I have to give a shout out to the best Korean restaurant in Vancouver, B.C., Canada I’ve never visited!  It’s definitely on the itinerary the next time I’m in Vancouver.  Cool Mustang.  It’s good to see the Canucks do well.  You’ll have to teach me how to play bandy.
  • Monique:  It was great meeting you in Busan at the APEC Summit.  Love your blog!  Keep up the good work.  See you in Seattle.
  • The Marmot’s Hole:  You’re one of the nicest guys I’ve met in Korea.  You blog is a great way to get all the scoop on Korea.  Thanks for the shameless plug.  We’ll get together soon once the Christmas craziness has simmered down.  Have fun in China.
  • Courtney:  Thanks for stopping by and going out of your way to say hello.  I enjoyed meeting you in Seoul.  Thanks so much for the necktie!  I wore it with pride last Friday and did my best to keep it away from the counter.  LOL
  • Exiled_attorney:  You’re a good friend and a great blogger.  Play it cool.  We’ll get together for drinks soon.  Stop complaining about the Oilers leaving Houston–viva the 1-10 Houston Texans!  They need all the support they can get.
  • Mars_wolf:  You’ve been reading practically since the very beginning.  I’m glad to see you stop by and post comments from time to time.  Your photos are awesome.
  • Speedy Sea:  Thanks for stopping by!  You have a sweet spirit. 
  • Dezcel:  Thanks for stopping by this year and reminding me of good times in Seattle.  Glad to hear you had a good time in Korea.
  • KingRoseMouth:  My friend, you are a hidden gem.  You are one of the best writers I know and one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. 
  • A Plus Proche de la Nature:  C’est un blog tres interessant et beau.  Merci beaucoup.
  • Ljiajianchengchul:  Thanks for stopping by from time to time and posting comments.  Your photos of China are wonderful.
  • timeless_traveler:  Hope all is well in South Africa.  I haven’t seen any posts from you for awhile.  Stop by sometime to say hello.
  • Allader:  I’ve seen you stop by from time to time.  Although you haven’t posted a comment, I’ve stopped by your blog as well.  How is North Korea?

And to everyone else who’s stopped by and I missed (unintentionally)…thank you!

  1. Amber

    Thanks for stopping by and for your congrats. I am so envious of the opportunities your travels have given you. A local family here in Colorado did much of the same. They sold off their house, packed their kids up and embarked on a trip around the world for a year. What an education they’ll NEVER forget!!!

  2. Angeline

    Happy Birthday, World Adventurers! I enjoy coming to your site because your writings are very interesting and educational. I am able to know Korea, you and your family better through your writings. I know your are a God-fearing man, although you don’t share much about your faith in God. You bring joy into my life when I read about the love you have for your family. Thanks Mike!God bless you and your family.Angeline

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